Jumat, 24 April 2015

Tugas Softskill Translate Bahasa Inggris

Book   : Pengantar Manajemen Umum (untuk STIE)
Page    : 169
About  : Efektifitas Manajemen Empat Tingkat dari R.Linkert
NPM   : 17214274
Class    : 1EA08          

R. Likert menyusun dua gaya dasar kepemimpinan dimana gaya kepemimpinan pertama (orientasi karyawan) mempunyai semangat kerja dan produtifitas yang tinggi dari pada gaya kepemimpinan kedua (orientasi tugas). Beliau dan lainnya menyusun 4 sistem efektifitas manajemen manajer sistem 1) membuat semua keputusan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dan memerintah bawahan untuk melaksanakannya. Standar dan metode pelaksanaan juga diterapkan secara kaku. Manajer sistem 2) masih memberi perintah-perintah, tetapi bawahan diberi kebebasan untuk mengomentari perintah tersebut. Bawahan diberi kebebasan fleksibelitas untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya, tetapi dalam batas-batas dan prosedur-prosedur yang telah ditetapkan. Manajer sistem 3) setelah permasalahannya didiskusikan dengan bawahannya maka manejer menetapkan tujuan-tujuan dan memerintahkan bawahan untuk melaksanakan tugas yang telah ditetapkan. Manajer sistem 4) sistem yang paling ideal menurut R. Likert adalah bagaimana cara organisasi seharusnya bekerja. Tujuan-tujuan ditetapkan dan keputusan yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan dibuat oleh kelompok. Jika manajer membuat keputusan, mereka melakukan setelah mempertimbangkan saran dan pendapat dari anggota kelompok. Jadi tujuan yang ditetapkan dan keputusan yang dibuat tidak selalu secara peribadi mereka sukai untuk memotivasi bawahan, tidak hanya memberikan penghargaan ekonomis saja tetapi juga mencoba memberikan perasaan yang dibutuhkan dan penting.

Translate Simple Present

R. Likert developes two basic styles of leadership in which the first leadership style (employee orientation) have the morale and high productivity of the second leadership style (task orientation). He and the others prepare 4 the effectiveness of the management system manager system 1) makes all decisions related to work and commanding subordinates to execute. Standards and implementation methods are also applied rigidly. System Manager 2) still gives the commands, but subordinates are given the freedom to comment on the order. Subordinates are given the freedom flexibility to carry out his duties, but within the limits and procedures that have been set. Manager system 3) after the problem discusses with subordinates then managers set goals and ordered subordinates to perform tasks that is assigns. Manager system 4) The most ideal system according to R. Likert is how the organization should work. The goals are set and decisions related to the work makes by the group. If a manager makes a decision, they do after considering the advice and opinions of members of the group. So the goals set and decisions make are not always in their personal passion for motivating subordinates, not only economically rewarding but also try to give a feeling needs and important.

Translate Simple Past Tense

R. Likert developed two basic styles of leadership in which the first leadership style (employee orientation) have the morale and high productivity of the second leadership style (task orientation). He and the others prepared 4 the effectivened of the management system manager system 1) made all decisions related to work and commanding subordinated to execute. Standards and implementation methods are also applied rigidly. System Manager 2) still gived the command, but subordinates are given the freedom to comment on the order. Subordinates are given the freedom flexibility to carry out his duties, but within the limits and procedures that have been set. Manager system 3) after the problem discussed with subordinates then managers set goals and ordered subordinates to perform tasks that have been assigned. Manager system 4) The most ideal system according to R. Likert is how the organization should work. The goals are set and decisions related to the work made by the group. If a manager made a decision, they did after consider the advice and opinions of members of the group. So the goals set and decisions made are not always in their personal passion for motivating subordinates, not only economically rewarding but also try to gived a feeling needed and important.

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